Healthy Beauty OC medSpa

SCULPTRA (Injectables)

A procedure approved by the US FDA and authorized by the Korean Food and Drug Administration to promote collagen production. It stimulates internal collagen production to restore lost facial volume, improving facial wrinkles.

Sculptra Filler

This injection treatment shows effectiveness in overall facial wrinkles, providing assistance in lifting and improving elasticity. The representative ingredient of Sculptra, PLLA (Poly-L-Lactic Acid), abbreviated from Poly-L-Lactic Acid, is derived from plants and is a synthetic polymer that can be reabsorbed and is biocompatible with the body. It is a procedure that fills in collagen regeneration on the face, making it appear younger by addressing sagging cheeks and under-eye hollows that make one look older.

  • Areas where fillers can be applied: Wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, under eyes, cheeks, crow’s feet, eye wrinkles.

  • We proceed with customized procedures considering the harmony of individual facial features.

  • After the procedure, you naturally become more beautiful, and there is minimal bruising and swelling, allowing for a quick return to daily life.

  • We use authentic and quantified products approved for safety during the procedure, ensuring a safe experience.

  • You can trust our skilled medical staff with extensive experience and procedural expertise.

Sculptra is an injectable cosmetic filler that can be used to restore facial volume lost due to aging. It can be used to treat facial fat loss, and deep lines, to yield a more youthful appearance.

Sculptra is an injectable cosmetic filler that can be used to restore facial volume lost due to aging. It can be used to treat facial fat loss, and deep lines, to yield a more youthful appearance.

Recommended Type

Recommended Type

Recommended Type

Get corrections tailored to your concerns.
Since individuals’ skin types and conditions vary, please visit us to receive a more accurate personalized prescription.

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Injection marks and redness may persist for about 1-2 days after the procedure.

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Avoid washing your face on the day of the procedure, and you can wash it the next day.

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When dead skin cells start to peel, avoid touching them and let them naturally exfoliate.

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Please avoid sauna, steam room, hot baths, and swimming pools for about a week until the fine dead skin cells have completely peeled off after the procedure.

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It is advisable to use moisturizers and regenerating creams generously after the procedure.

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Please refrain from using exfoliating agents and scrubs.

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Using sunscreen is essential.